Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Front Cover Analysis - Research & Planning

This is the empire magazine front cover which is putting its focus and its USP, on the new hit comedy film called Kick Ass. There are many things that we can analyze with the poster and things we could use in ours.
  • The title of the film is in green which resembles, envy, money, mystery and can be seen as other heroes such as the Hulk or Ninja mutant turtles. The style of the title makes it look less serious as it is at an angle and splodges of colour coming off the side of some of the characters. By using this style it suggests to the audience that this film could be funny and that it may be a comedy.
  • Another genre indicator is the name of the film. Kick Ass is a unique film title as it suggests there will be fighting with a mix of comedy and drama.
  • In the centre of the page and the main picture on the cover, is a close up of a male actor dressed in a super hero costume. He is looking down towards the audience and looks quite serious. This is a good picture of him as it captures the audience's attention and shows that he may be have a big part to play in the film.
  • Next is the style of the Empire title. It is smudged and is different to the usual iconic Empire we are used to. By using this effect it shows that it is going to be a film which involves fighting.
  • The captions used also sell the film and state how brilliant it is. As they are making the film sound really good people are more likely going to want to read about and therefore by the magazine.
  • Right at the bottom of the cover is a small title which will attract nearly every film fan. By stating that there may be an Avatar 2, people will waant to read about it as the first was such a success.

What we can take from this cover is the titles they used to sell their film. If we can describe our film perfectly it will attract our target audience as well. Also we need to make sure we are targerting our audience with correct and appropriate pictures.

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