Wednesday 31 March 2010

Evaluation of our trailer

titles: Titles are used to create and sustain tension within our trailer. They are used in our trailer to help portray the narrative as well as being an integral part of our trailer's makeup.

Pros - We used the titles effectively by having them run parallel to the narrative to lend hints to the story and intrigue the viewer. They also created suspense because we used plain white writing to signify purity and safety but all punctuation was in red signifying danger and violence, so that juxtaposition helped to build enigma into our trailer.

Cons - We only used a few titles in our trailer so using more would of improved our trailer by building on the suspense of our other titles.

sound: Sound is used effectively in our trailer. Mainly with the music we used which builds tension and hightens fear within the trailer. We also made some shots louder than others to make them stand out and to emphasise the shot significance.

Pros - Sound is used very well in our trailer to scare and surprise the audience. The music we used helped build tension and carry our trailer throughout the duration. We used editing effects to make some shots louder to emphasise certain shots which also hightened the audiences reaction to the trailer.

Cons - The music could have been edited together more smoothly to allow the trailer to flow better.

light: Light was used in our trailer to create fear in the unknown. We use as little light as possible to help build fear throughout the trailer and it gives the trailer an eerie feel.

Pros - Lighting was used to create atmosphere within our trailer and it did it effectively. We used low levels of light to create an eerie atmosphere which lent itself well to the narrative.

Cons - In some shots there is too little light to be able to distingiush what is going on in the scene, so some shots required more light to be effective.

props: Props were used to create realism within our trailer. We used typical horror props to create the generic horror feel within our trailer, this helped to create the realism which makes it scary.

Pros - We tried to create realism with our props and i think we suceeded by using real knives in our trailer, they made the trailer feel more authentic.

Cons - We didn't use a vast array of props which may have improved the look of our trailer.

location: Location was a major part of our trailer. We only used one location so we had to create the right atmosphere within this location. The location we used was a house, this was important to create realism and allow the audience to relate to the trailer making it more scary and effective.

Pros - We used this location so that the audience could relate with our trailer and this location helped to do this.

Cons - We only used one location in our trailer so this could have been built on to give the trailer a sense of scale by introducing more locations and settings.

editing: Editing was the most important part of our trailer. We used editing to create tension and allow the trailer to flow. We used a montage in our trailer and this was painstakingly edited together to allow it to flow freely and have the desired effect.

Pros - We created a montage in our trailer to allow many shots to be shown in a short amount of time and i think this worked well to explain simply the narrative and show some action that will appeal to our target audience.

Cons - The transitions could have been more smooth to allow the trailer to flow better, this would have made the trailer feel more professional.

costumes: We thought about costume carefully because it played a vital part in the believeability of our trailer. The costumes we used were generic to allow for the audience to relate to the trailer and believe it.

Pros - We used our costumes to indicate to the audience who each character was, for instance the evil character from our trailer was wearing black to symbolise danger and him being a dark character. I think we used costume well to allow the audience to understand and go along with the narrative. We also dressed our main characters in normal clothes to allow the audience to relate with our characters to make the trailer more effective.

Cons - Our evil character could have had a better costume to fit his role, we only used a black hoodie for the character whereas he would have looked more scary if he had a purpose made costume.

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