Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Programs and objects we used - Evaluation

We used the internet for most of the reasearch and planning. We used it to gain infomation on teaser trailers and other aspects to our film such as horror film websites and front covers. We used websites such as youtube to look at websites and google as the search engine to look up horror movie feautres of generic conventions.

Blogger is a website which we use to post comments on all our work. This is the website which I am on now. This was a good posting website as it is easy to use and upload documents. We can easily upload documents/videos and pictures.

This is the program that we used to edit our film teaser trailer together. This has many feautures that we used such as tranisition, lighting and sound effects. This helped peice our trailer together.

Photoshop was the program we used to make our film poster and magazine cover. This also had many effects such as cloning, colour changes, boarders and fonts. This was a good program once we got the hang of using it

Canon Camera's are the schools camera's and are the one's that we used to make our film. This is a image of the camera that we used. It was a small compact camera and was easy to use.

This is a tripod. This is what we used to keep the camera steady in shots. It also gives a smooth effect when moving the camera up and down and side to side. This gave some of the shots a much better shot than if we where to use hand held.

This is our microphone that we plugged into our camera. This gives a better sound and effect to our trailer by having a much clearer sound. It is also useful as we are able to use the sounds recorded and then highlight them to make them 'ambiant' sounds.

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