Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Effectiveness Of Main Product And Ancillary Task - Evaluation

With the trailer, poster and magazine front cover all completed the whole campaign is now complete. Each one compliments each other, revealing different parts of the film. The trailer, designed on Adobe Premiere Elements. This is the main source of information and reveals things to with the film such as the location, costumes and the genre of the film. This is through the sound and the shots we used and it creates the start of our marketing campaign. The next stage of it was the magazine cover made on Microsoft Publisher.

The cover we created gave the audience another dimension of information to do with the film. Things such as behind the scenes pictures and exclusive information to with the film entices the reader into finding out more to with the film. This links in with the trailer as they could read the magazine front cover and see that there is a new summer blockbuster film. Then to find out more and see what it looks like, they may search the film on google and find the trailer for the upcoming film. By doing this it will attract more audience attention and hype the film up more. Finally to complete the campaign we made the main film poster for Welcome To The Neighbourhood.

To gain a better understanding of film posters we analyzed several poster including horror ones. After investigating others we came to the conclusion that are poster needed to immediately tell the audience that it is horror. To do this we took a picture of one of us holding an axe, straight away being a genre indicator. Then on Photoshop I darkened it and added some effects. With that done our marketing campaign was finished. They all complimented each other in many ways. The use of similar font and colouring helps keep continuity and makes it all seem very professional. Also the costume worn by the killer in each of the tasks is the same giving the killer an identity.

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