Thursday 22 April 2010

Audience Feedback

After previewing our trailer to our audience they gave feedback both positive and negative:

Audience member 1: Overall I liked the trailer especially the montage, although I feel the pace could have been faster to create greater tension and fear. To improve the trailer I would've added faster editing techniques to make it flow better.

Audience member 2: I liked the editing techniques used; they created a feel of speed and also how tension was created.

Audience member 3: I really liked the trailer as I could to the realistic setting of the house and the characters. To improve it I would've used more transitions to create a greater feeling of speed.

All of our audience members liked our trailer and had both positive and negative feedback which were all constructive. The main critisism they had was that the trailer needed a great sense of speed; they did take into account that the computer we played it on played the trailer at half speed, but non the less they thought it would've benifited from faster transitions and shots.

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