Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Teaser Trailers

A teaser trailer is different typical theatrical trailer, they are usually very short in length lasting between 30 seconds and 1 minute 30and often contain little, if any, actual footage from the film itself. Every so often, it is simply a shortened version of a theatrical trailer. A teaser trailer is released long in advance of the actual film. One of the main reasons for the trailer to be called a teaser trailer is because it teases the audience by releasing its teaser trailer one to one and a half years before release of the actual film. The teaser trailers purpose is less to tell the audience about a film and its content than merely to let them know that the film is coming up in the near future.

Big film companies will often use teaser trailers if they have a big blockbuster movie so that fans and people on the Internet can hype it all up. It also adds to the hype of the upcoming release for the film. A teaser trailer is usually made while the film is still in production or when it is being edited. For our film I believe that a few opening shots explaining a small part of the storyline, followed by a montage of brutal scenes to scare the audience. I shall watch some teaser trailers to see how we could construct a successful trailer.

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