Tuesday, 22 December 2009


Many films have influenced our choice of shots, film genre and storyline of our trailer. As our trailer is of the horror trailer, we watched many trailers, some which we have analysed. We decided on the horror genre as the trailers we watched made us feel that we could make a professional looking trailer. One of my favourite ones we looked at was The Strangers and included many quality moments. Firstly I like the way at the beginning it states the facts of the film and what it is based on. It sets up the trailer perfectly and spooks the audience straight away. Also the shot used in the living room where a masked man appears in the corner of the screen is terrifying and I would like to use one of those in our trailers.

Another trailer and film which influenced us was the Paranormal Activity trailer. As this film was created on a low budget and has been very successful we think this can
be an inspiration for us. The trailer is clever as it doesn't reveal too much of the storyline, but enough to make you want to see it. As the titles say experience the phenomenon it makes the people watching, want to be part of what these people are being terrified of.

The other trailer which has influenced me is the Inception teaser trailer. This is a really good teaser one because it reveals hardly anything but looks awesome. The music used is superb and the titles used are suitable and make the trailer flow. If we can include all th
ese aspects in our trailer it will be superb.

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