Tuesday 8 December 2009

The fourth kind analysis

The fourth kind

The trailer begins with a faded in camera. The music is deep showing a horror sense. It then continues with a girl with her face being blurred out. You can work out the main girls features being a brunette and quite young. A voice comes on saying ‘would you tell the camera your name’. There is a long shot of a couple talking over a desk. The shot of the girl flickers showing that it could be shown on television or it’s an added horror effect. In this trailer as well as the trailer that I previously analysed vision, it shows a television flickering. This is postmodern as a flickering television is represented as a horror genre effect. This is postmodern due to it being intertextulaity from one to the other film.

It then continues to the girl speaking to the camera. This makes the film self aware of its self making it again postmodern by having a hyper conscious audience. The girl talks about the film saying how the film is being filmed and that it’s disturbing. By talking to the audience directly it can give an insight to what is coming up.

A universal picture then comes up, showing it is being made by this company. In our film we should look at having this because it may make it look more realistic. It also shows that we have really studied film trailers and how they come together. It then continues with another called gold circle.

It fades in to Alaska; you know this by having the words on the screen. By having this it gives a name to the place and you understand the location. It then goes to a little cabin with a women talking to a man. It then goes to a frame of it being filmed by a video camera (having date and time on screen and faded). It continues with several other people women and men all talking about something them have seen. The woman who is interviewing seems to be some sort of councillor or detective trying to find out what this thing is. By flicking from two different films being the normal film and then the video camera effect it gives a sense of being watched by something, this gives it a suspenseful edge.

The next shots are again of a man seeing this thing switching between both shots. It also flickers between a clock and a tape running. By having this you can tell by the intensity of quick shots it’s defiantly on the edge of suspence. It maintains the quick shot effects; they do this to show lots of action in the film. Again the clock comes up relating to time.

It carries on with lots of scary shots showing the impact in the film. The titles on the screen being the first kind, the second kind, third and forth kind represent firstly the title of the film and also, gives the trailer a want to see what happens next feel. The screaming, shouting and mysterious noises all connect with a horror genre.

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