Tuesday 21 April 2009

Evaluation of student comments

The overall review of our film from other students was excellent. However there was certain areas in which we could have improved, such as: dialogue, sound, props, and some camera shots. These were minor problems that could been rectified easily.

Sound- Most people commented that sound was used very well, it linked in with the shots nicely and that it created tension was needed. "Good use to music, it cut at the right time, creating even more tension which was needed for this genre. Very good."Some Students said that our asynchronous over powered our dialogue, "the sound of the chat between the four people could be louder. for example, when the word "traffic" is said, it isnt very clear." While we were editing, the volume of our soundtrack could have been lowered whilst the conversation took place.

Props- Costumes was one of the most important things we had to think about, to create verisimilitude all the characters wore suits. This was one of the ways we revealed the genre. "The costume used is brilliant! I love the suits, as they really emphasise the gangster genre of the film." However, students noticed that when we opened the briefcase that there was nothing inside, which made it a bit mysterious. "when the briefcase is opened and you cannot see whats in it, creats an element of mystery."

Camera Work- To keep the audience interested, we used a variety of camera shots and the length of the shots. Repetitive shots bores the audience as it feels like they are watching the same thing. "You have used a vary of different shots and we think they all work very well together in the final product." A few students commented that we should have used more camera movements and that some shots were to long. As its a Gangster genre it has to have high tempo action, quick shots and more camera movement could have given perfect match on action. "There was quite a range of shots in the intro, but could have done some camera movement, going from one action to another would have created exciting action."

Overall I am overwhelmed with our final product. After having a few misunderstandings on our other 2 pieces, the group overcame these problems and worked extraordinarily well for our final piece and created an excellent film.

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