Saturday, 24 January 2009

The Stalkist

This is the first outing from the up and coming Mitpatarpot Productions.


Greg Potter said...

This is a simple show of our camera work.
We attempted to vary in camera angles,tracking and movement while trying to keep a very simple storyline of someone being followed by a mysterious character.
The only negative part of this sequence was that we wanted to keep "The Stalkist" character mysterious but felt we gave the characters identity away too early.

Andy Clark said...

As this was our first official filming the standard was not our best. We used a range of camera shots which helped explain the storyline of our shot film. Certain shots such as extreme close up of me show facial expressions and who has the power. During the editing process we muted all sound to ensure any unwanted sound which we filmed, was not included. Also it lets the audience decide what is happening. Our group decided not to show the identity of the stalker to create suspense. Natural editing was used to not disorientate the audience. During the film we didn't use Mise En Scene as we were filming during school and didn't have time to change clothes. For our first attempt it wasn't bad but we can improve on it greatly.

Jinesh Patel said...

This was Mitpatarpot's first outing. I think that for a first time filming it was brilliant. The
varying camera shots that we used were excellent aswell as the continuity editing.
The spaces where we could have improved were with sound. Asynchronous sound could have created a strong enigmatic film. Which we were looking for.
The clothes the characters were wearing, were different for some shots, this is beacuse we filmed on different day's. This was a major incident but could be easily mended for the next time we filmed.
The stalkist was meant to be a mysterious charcter, so instead of giving away the characters indentity, we should have used certain camera shots that restricted us from giving away the identity.

Ross Mitchell said...

This film uses simple and effective camera angles. Tracking shots are used which work very well to help the continuity of the film. It flows very well which is down to smooth editing. The character is very mysterious and which is done by using camera techniques and editing. The lack of sound helps to create tension because you cannot here what is going on in the scenes. However some of the shots could have been steadier with the use of a tripod.

Zoƫ Benjafield said...

I liked the opening shot of the two feet, then switching to see Greg, it meant that tension was built up.

I liked the idea Andy stalking Greg, it was really creative. The use of over the shoulder shots also added a good effect to the piece, showed really professionalism.

I think that music may've also added to it aswell, but overall excellent work!!